The Journey is a Saudi-Japanese animated film co-produced by Manga Productions and Toei Animation with lead director Shizuno Kobun. The plot of the film is directed towards the potter Aws who joins the great battle to save his hometown.

The movie Journey is the result of a collaboration started in 2017 between two well-known studios. It is the second animated work created by Manga in collaboration with Toei. While Tatsuro Iwamoto is in charge of character design, Kaoru Wada is in charge of the music. The cost of filming is estimated at between $ 10 million and $ 15 million. The voices for the film borrowed Takuya Kuroda, Kazuya Nakai, Yuichi Nakamura, Hiroshi Kamiya, Kotone Mitsuishi, Toru Furuya.

It was originally conceived that the first screening of the film would be at the famous Cannes Film Festival. But because of the pandemic, that idea could not be realized. While VOX Cinemas has the right to show the movie in North Africa and the Middle East, T-Joy has the right to distribute in Japan. The film will be eventually released in Arabic.

The first premiere is scheduled to be in the Middle East, after which it will be the turn of the market in North Africa. The Japanese premiere is scheduled for June.